We've known for a long time that Eli has behavior problems when he's short on sleep. We've also noticed problems when he ingests significant amounts of pure sugar (smarties, ring pops, etc.). Sugar mixed in with "additives", (chocolate, desserts, etc.) don't affect him much. Mix the two together and "oh my, who are you, and why can't you behave". Tonight was one of those nights. Whew.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Little Sleep + Pure Sugar = ???????
The magic answer is "who are you and what have you done with my sweet child."
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Tonight was the Church Halloween Carnival.
Eli, after going through several options, decided to be a robot again. Emily decided to be a butterfly. Alicia and I spent a couple hours on Friday cutting out and painting the butterfly wings. Emily, Eli, and Alicia spent several (2-3) hours gluing sequins onto the front side of the wings. Then last night Alicia and I spent another 2 gluing sequins on the other side once we decided it was necessary. Then we glued it together, turned the coffee tabled upside down on it overnight, and went to bed.
Here's pictures of the finished product.
Sam 1 Fencepost 1/4
First some background information. Some previous owners of our house planted several rows of cedar trees on two sides of our property. The western set were staked with wooden stakes, easy enough to remove. The northern set were staked with 10' T shaped metal fenceposts.
Anyway, 2 of these metal fenceposts were "out of plane" with the trees. For those of you non-math folks that means not in the same line as the trees.
Anyway, couple of weeks ago I removed 8 inches of gravel, and dug a 2 foot hole to finagle one out. That took 45 minutes or an hour.
This weekend I decided to tackle the other one. So, I removed 8 inches of gravel and then decided to loosen it up a bit. So I grabbed the post with 2 hands and started rocking. I had a pretty good rhythm going probably moving the top of the post a foot off center each way. So I was on a back swing and the post decided it had had enough and snapped off under ground.
As I was flying backwards through the air I briefly had the thought, "this is gonna hurt". I landed hard, then took a fencepost to the forehead. "Ouch" I said. I sat up, shook my head and got up to see where it broke. Alicia was on her way over to check on me. She asked if she could get me anything about the same time I noticed a drop of blood hit the ground. I asked for a paper towel and decided I'd better sit down.
She brought a paper towel at which time I requested a band-aid.
Anyway, long story short. I'm fine (my wound is still oozing), the hole is filled in in the yard, and I've got a good conversation piece for Halloween parties.
I'll post pictures of the kids later (cause I know that's the real reason you all read the blog).
So I have myself a point for accomplishing my goal. I gave the fencepost 1/4 point for going down with a fight.

Anyway, 2 of these metal fenceposts were "out of plane" with the trees. For those of you non-math folks that means not in the same line as the trees.
Anyway, couple of weeks ago I removed 8 inches of gravel, and dug a 2 foot hole to finagle one out. That took 45 minutes or an hour.
This weekend I decided to tackle the other one. So, I removed 8 inches of gravel and then decided to loosen it up a bit. So I grabbed the post with 2 hands and started rocking. I had a pretty good rhythm going probably moving the top of the post a foot off center each way. So I was on a back swing and the post decided it had had enough and snapped off under ground.
As I was flying backwards through the air I briefly had the thought, "this is gonna hurt". I landed hard, then took a fencepost to the forehead. "Ouch" I said. I sat up, shook my head and got up to see where it broke. Alicia was on her way over to check on me. She asked if she could get me anything about the same time I noticed a drop of blood hit the ground. I asked for a paper towel and decided I'd better sit down.
She brought a paper towel at which time I requested a band-aid.
Anyway, long story short. I'm fine (my wound is still oozing), the hole is filled in in the yard, and I've got a good conversation piece for Halloween parties.
I'll post pictures of the kids later (cause I know that's the real reason you all read the blog).
So I have myself a point for accomplishing my goal. I gave the fencepost 1/4 point for going down with a fight.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Eli's Cub Scout Pack had a family campout at Maumelle Park. We borrowed a 4 man tent from family friend Joe (thanks Joe). We borrowed sleeping pads from Paw-Paw (thanks Paw-Paw). Alicia bought sleeping bags for her and the kids. You know the good ol' Coleman specials. They'll do great for our purposes.
So we went and setup camp. A bit later we built a campfire and taught all the kids how to make 'Smores. Most folks ate before they came. One of Eli's fellow Tiger's dad's owns/runs Markham Street Bar and Grill, they show'ed everyone how you cook on a fire. They had baked potatoes, corn on the cob (OK, he used a butane stove for the shrimp he cooked).
The kids got to stay up until 8:30 or so. The picture above is from shortly before we headed off th brush teeth. We hiked to and from the bathroom starting at 8. Eli learned how to brush his teeth with his finger because he left his toothbrush at home (brought the holder though). It was probably 9 before the kids fell asleep.
We turned in about 10.
At about 3am we awoke to find Eli crawling across our faces (how he missed Emily is still a mystery). He said he was trying to get back into his bed. We turned him around and sent him back across the tent. Then the kids awoke bright and early at 6.
It was COLD, as in low 40s cold.
Kids enjoyed a smörgåsbord of various breakfast items to include hot chocolate. They then played with other kids on the playground until about 11.
Alicia and I broke camp.
Alicia took Emily home for a nap while I took Eli to the Pinnacle Mountain Rendezvous. He had an OK time. If we go again we'll spend more time watching the blacksmith (he really enjoyed it) and less time looking at things that they want you to pay money to do that you can do just as well at home.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Happy Soggy Day
Today's a happy soggy day, we're back down to owning 1 house. While it's nice to feel rich enough that we can own 2 houses I really don't like 2 house payments, I prefer no house payment but I can live with 1.
It's been raining cats and dogs. And oddly enough some old, long bearded fellow was standing in front of the lumberyard I pass on the way to work, part of me wanted to stop and ask if he needed help loading up the lumber for his boat.
We have entered the realm of busy families (and we've only got 1 kid doing activities, can't wait to see what's in store for us when Emily joins the fray). Tomorrow we have soccer at 8:30 (it's gonna be soppy), followed by a school cleanup time, then in the afternoon Eli and I are going on a hike with his Cub Scout den. Good thing the path is paved.
Anyway, back to doing nothing for a few short moments.
(sorry Nana, no pictures, we've been too busy)
It's been raining cats and dogs. And oddly enough some old, long bearded fellow was standing in front of the lumberyard I pass on the way to work, part of me wanted to stop and ask if he needed help loading up the lumber for his boat.
We have entered the realm of busy families (and we've only got 1 kid doing activities, can't wait to see what's in store for us when Emily joins the fray). Tomorrow we have soccer at 8:30 (it's gonna be soppy), followed by a school cleanup time, then in the afternoon Eli and I are going on a hike with his Cub Scout den. Good thing the path is paved.
Anyway, back to doing nothing for a few short moments.
(sorry Nana, no pictures, we've been too busy)
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