Warning, lots of pictures. (Nana, I have LOTS more, I'll bring you a CD sometime).
Anyway, we'll start with a few from before Christmas. Eli created a Rudolph costume all by himself. Leaves attached to some of Emily's barrettes (his idea since we told him not to tape them to his hair). Colored a red circle of paper and stuck it to his nose.
Then he upgraded to one of the flashing red lights from his halloween costume.
Eli talked Ethan into putting it on during the Byrd Family Christmas Extraviganza.
Eli gave Emily his old bike for Christmas, she was excited.
Rachel gave Emily a dressup kit. All the kids enjoyed it.
Nana got Eli a ginormoumous (I know it's not a word Nana but it fits) Lego set.
Then we moved onto KC for round 2
Let's see, we hit snow just outside of KC, then it snowed more Monday night. It was a very dry snow. For those of you sotherners reading this info on dry vs wet snow. You get wet snow (good for building snowballs, snowmen, etc.) when it's close to freezing. You get dry snow (doesn't stick together very well, closer to ice pellets) when it significantly colder. That's the jist of it anyway.
Ben came over Monday night so he and Lauren could leave for Wichita from the closer side of KC. He helped Eli build a tower.
Eli built a snowman as best he could from the snow Opa and dad shoveled off of the driveway. As you can see Oma was kind enough to park outside so our car could be inside.
There was a bit of a misscalculation on Emily's part Christmas morning. She thought the K'nex were for her and the MP3 player was for Eli.

Stockings are done so must be time to sort everything out.
Oma and Opa got Emily a sit-n-spin. She loves it.
He moved into the hearth room and coerced (took lots of arm twisting) to get Opa and dad to help him.
Giving the new roller blades a spin
Yum, blue berries and music.
Jesus's birthday cake. Hard to argue with the kids when they want to make him a birthday cake.
Ben and Lauren came over Friday night for round 3
Ben like's putting rip cords on his gifts.
Ben tried out Emily's MP3 player
Hope everyone had a wonderful 2008 and will have a wonderful and prosperous 2009.