Saturday, July 15, 2006

She's 2 months old!!! (tomorrow)

Hard to believe that it's been 2 months since we've welcomed Emily into our lives. OK, tomorrow's technically the day but I have time to write right now.

Anyway, Eli's spending the weekend with Nana and PawPaw. It was just going to be Friday night but he was having such a good time he asked to spend another night.

Nana had been taking him to the pool to swim. And they have now filled their pool. It seems he's inherited Alicia and my love for water.

Eli's been busy helping cook. I forget what he was making but it's not what it looks like.

Why clean up the legos. It's more fun to put myself in the box

Emily's working on picking her head up. She gets rather frustrated that it won't do what she wants it to.

Eli still loves holding his sister.

1 comment:

erin oliver said...

BLOG! BLOG! BLOG! (Hands beating on desk) BLOG! BLOG! BLOG! (I'm getting louder) PICS! PICS! PICS! (The croud is joining in) PIC-TURES! PIC-TURES! (Now we're stomping our feet) Come on dude.... blog on that baby. I miss her. You don't even have to write anything. Just post pics.
:) sister