Tuesday, June 22, 2010


June Update

The kids took a break from playing to help mow the lawn

Emily joins a long line of "lets take this apart and put it back together"

Last weekend we took the kids to Heifer International's birthday party for their new "Global Village". Neat place, very "green". They achieved a Platinum level of LEED construction. Very interesting exhibits, very informational. The kids had fun. (They even made it on the news on some B footage).

The kids planted bean seeds.

Eli played a drum

Eli miked a plastic cow

Eli has joined the St. Charles swim team. He races the freestyle. 1st meet was tonight. The league scores weird. The team with more swimmers has a better chance of winning because the scores are summed, not averaged.

Get Ready!!

The racing dive. He's actually pretty good at this part.

Stroking it out. He's still working on getting limbs completely out of the water.

Hitting the wall

He was thrilled, he came in 2nd in his heat. He failed to notice that there was only 1 other kid in the pool with him, oh well.